Six Keys to More Successful Investing

A successful investor maximizes gain and minimizes loss. Though there can be no guarantee that any investment strategy will be successful and all investing involves risk,including the possible loss of principal,here are six basic principles that may help you invest more successfully.

Long-term compounding can help your nest egg grow

Compound growth turbocharges your savings over time. The longer your money works for you,the more impressive the results. For instance,a $10,000 investment at an 8% annual return would balloon to $46,610 in 20 years and $68,485 in 25 years – a 47% increase. After 30 years,it would reach $100,627. This assumes no withdrawals and no taxes paid along the way,as in a tax-deferred retirement account. Maximizing contributions to such accounts is crucial for harnessing the power of compounding. While regular portfolio reviews are advised,letting your investment sit can yield substantial returns,eliminating the need for risky “home run” investments.

Endure short-term pain for long-term gain

Endure short-term market fluctuations for long-term gains. While market volatility can be unsettling,remember two key principles. Firstly,the longer you stick with a diversified investment portfolio,the more you reduce risk and enhance potential gains. Consider your time horizon when planning investments – shorter-term goals may require more cautious strategies. Secondly,diversification across different asset classes and types can mitigate risk during economic turbulence. Though not foolproof,this approach helps navigate market ups and downs while aiming for long-term success.

Spread your wealth through asset allocation

Diversify your investments through asset allocation,which involves spreading your money across various asset classes such as stocks,bonds,and cash. Asset allocation considers subcategories like aggressive growth stocks,long-term growth stocks,and government bonds. This strategy is crucial for two reasons: it significantly influences your overall portfolio performance,and by investing in assets that respond differently to market forces,it helps minimize the impact of market volatility while enhancing long-term returns.

Consider your time horizon in your investment choices

Choose your asset allocation based on the timeframe for needing cash. If you anticipate needing money within one to three years,opt for stable investments like a money market fund,prioritizing the preservation of your initial investment. Though the returns may be lower than riskier options,the assurance of quick access to your funds outweighs daily market fluctuations. Conversely,for longer-term goals like retirement,you can afford to allocate a higher percentage to potentially more volatile yet growth-oriented investments. Before investing,carefully assess the mutual fund’s objectives,risks,charges,and expenses outlined in the prospectus. Keep in mind that money market funds are not insured,and while they aim to maintain a $1 per share value,losses are still possible.

Dollar-cost averaging: investing consistently and often

Embrace dollar cost averaging for consistent and frequent investing. This method involves purchasing a fixed dollar amount of an investment at regular intervals,regardless of market fluctuations. In high markets,your fixed investment buys fewer shares,and in low markets,it buys more. This strategy aims for a lower average price per share over time compared to fixed share purchases. Popular examples include workplace savings plans like 401(k)s,deducting a consistent amount from each paycheck.

While dollar cost averaging can’t guarantee profits or protect against losses during market declines,its potential benefits are maximized by maintaining regular investments even in downturns. Avoid the speculative nature of trying to “time the market,” which involves predicting the lowest point for share prices. Regular investing is a more manageable and automated approach,offering a disciplined strategy for long-term gains.

Buy and hold,don’t buy and forget

Practice “buy and hold,” not “buy and forget” for long-term portfolio success. Regularly review your portfolio as economic conditions and personal circumstances evolve. Adjust your asset allocation accordingly,considering factors like nearing retirement,which may warrant a shift to less volatile or income-generating investments.

Periodic reviews are crucial as different investments appreciate at varying rates,altering your asset allocation over time. For instance,an 80-20 stock-to-bond ratio may shift to 88-12 after several years. Rebalance your portfolio by buying more of the underrepresented asset class or redirecting proceeds from the overrepresented one. Without periodic reviews,you risk deviating from your original allocation.

Choose a specific date each year for an annual review to ensure your portfolio aligns with your evolving goals and market conditions.

Our vision at Canopy Credit Union is to provide our members with superior financial solutions,comprehensive products,and unparalleled service experience.

Whether it’s developing sound solutions for your retirement,generating income,or protecting your assets through insurance,CFS* Financial Advisor,Brendan is here to listen,provide impartial feedback and help you plan for your retirement. Contact Brendan today via email or give him a call at 858.805.7935. If you’d like more details,simply follow the link below.

Canopy CU | Keys to Success

*Non-deposit investment products and services are offered through CUSO Financial Services,L.P. (CFS),a registered broker-dealer (Member FINRA/SIPC) and SEC Registered Investment Advisor. Products offered through CFS: are not NCUA/NCUSIF or otherwise federally insured,are not guarantees or obligations of the credit union,and may involve investment risk including possible loss of principal. Investment Representatives are registered through CFS. The Credit Union has contracted with CFS to make non-deposit investment products and services available to credit union members.

Enhancing Decision-Making in Business: Unveiling the Power of Cognitive Biases

Efficient decision-making can be counted as one of the essentials of business success today. However,we only sometimes make choices from our rational thinking; often,we allow our cognitive biases to come into play,diverting us from optimal results. An influential psychologist,Daniel Kahneman,understood this before he said,”The decisions we make in business are shaped by the invisible forces of bias,whether we acknowledge them or not.” To explore the elaborate landscape of business decisions,delving into decision-making psychology and understanding the cognitive biases that can influence our criticism becomes indispensable. By doing so,we can unlock the true capabilities of decision-making and propel remarkable outcomes in the business world. Even in the same way,business experts like Grant Kelley thrived toward exceptional business results. 

Maximizing the Psychology of Decision-Making in Business by Unveiling the Power of Cognitive Biases can be achieved in the following ways:

  1. Developing Bias Awareness:

This strategy should be our first towards harnessing the power of decision-making – it also means acknowledging that cognitive biases exist. These biases are basic mental shortcuts that hasten information processing but may result in systematic inaccuracies in judgment. By developing cognizance of these biases,business experts can take proactive strategies to diminish their impact and make more coherent decisions. Some common cognitive biases experienced in business are confirmation bias,availability heuristics,anchoring bias,and overconfidence bias. 

  1. Implementing Rigid Decision-Making Methods:

Establishing structured decision-making steps is an efficient strategy to counteract the impact of cognitive biases. You can use structures like cost-benefit analysis,decision trees,or scenarios because they allow you to introduce systematic strategies to evaluate choices. These processes facilitate analytical thinking,enhance neutrality,and reduce the impact of biases on decision results. By consolidating various viewpoints and considering many substitutes,your organization can optimize the value of its decision-making.

  1. Adopting Data-Driven Decision-Making:

Data-driven decision-making is a strategy powerful enough to mitigate cognitive biases. Unbiased data renders quality insights into customer attitudes,performance indicators,and market trends. By making most data analytics and employing statistical models,your business can make reasonable decisions depending on evidence rather than personal suggestions. Data-driven decision-making minimizes the effects of biases and increases the possibility of attaining desirable results. 

  1. Promoting a Lifestyle of Psychological Safety:

Adopting a psychologically secure lifestyle is pivotal in optimizing decision-making within your company. Psychological safety stimulates open and sincere communications,where the work team feels comfortable expressing their ideas and thoughts without fear of criticism or retaliation. By placing value on various points of view,promoting healthy arguments,and encouraging dissenting views,your company can mitigate the influence of biases stemming from the homogeneity of thought or authority bias. This inclusive environment inspires enhanced decision-making by challenging assumptions and supporting critical thinking. 


An effective decision is vital for an organization that desires to progress. Hence a business owner must gain a reasonable understanding of cognitive biases and the implementation of techniques to counteract their impacts. Many CEOs,like Grant Kelley,have passed through this stage in their business journey toward success. I inevitably took measures like the ones mentioned in this article to mitigate cognitive biases and ensure continuously informed decision-making in the organization. 

For more information: Grant Kelley

Time Management Strategies for IB English Students in Hong Kong

Excelling in the IB English exam is more than just a question of how academically proficient a student is. It equally extends to how efficient a student is in time management. As we go through the concept of Time management for IB english students,we aim to discuss the complexities,and how an IB english tutor can be of help towards developing a good time management strategy. 

IB English is not just about breaking down literature; it is equally about mastering language across diverse contexts. But both during the preparation and writing of the exam,a major challenging factor is the time available. To some,there is little to no time,available to cover all that is needed,to others,the time is more than enough. 

From my years of experience in the IB English exam,I can categorically state that,the IB English exam is time-constrained,demanding that students not only possess a deep understanding of the subject matter but also the ability to apply their knowledge and skills within a limited timeframe. So,in this article,we will be looking at techniques and practical advices that are crucial for students who wish to not just pass,but to ace the IB English exam in one sitting. 

Essential Time Management Strategies for IB English Success

Effective time management is crucial for success in the IB English exam. Here are some essential strategies to help students optimize their time and perform at their best:

  1. Develop a Study Schedule and Plan: Create a realistic and structured study schedule that allocates dedicated time for each aspect of the exam,including reading,writing,and practice exercises.
  2. Prioritize and Set Realistic Goals: Identify areas of strength and weakness and prioritize your study efforts accordingly. Set realistic goals for each study session and track your progress to stay motivated.
  3. Utilize Effective Time Management Techniques: Employ time management techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique,which involves working in focused 25-minute intervals followed by short breaks.
  4. Practice Under Timed Conditions: Regularly practice writing under timed conditions to simulate the exam environment and improve your time management skills.
  5. Seek Guidance and Support: Seek guidance from experienced teachers or IB English tutors in Hong Kong to gain personalized advice and support in developing effective time management strategies.

The Role of an IB English Tutor in Hong Kong

An experienced IB English tutor in Hong Kong can help students overcome time management challenges and achieve their full potential in the IB English exam. Here are some specific ways in which a tutor can assist:

  1. Identifying Time Management Issues: Tutors assess students’ time management habits and identify areas where improvements can be made. They then work with the student towards ensuring that these improvements are made,and that they are indeed what is needed. It certainly cannot be achieved immediately,but with consistent practice and an eagle eyed tutor,it can be done.
  2. Developing Personalized Strategies: Tutors create personalized time management strategies tailored to individual learning styles and exam preparation needs. Because,even as a student,you might get overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to grasp before the exam. Instead of getting stuck in an information overload phase,a tutor will help guide you by letting you know what information is relevant to the exam,and which can be discarded.  
  3. Providing Feedback and Encouragement: Tutors provide regular feedback on students’ progress and offer encouragement to maintain motivation and confidence. This way students will always know what level they are with preparations for the exams. 
  4. Simulating Exam Conditions: Tutors conduct mock exams under timed conditions to help students adapt to the pressure and refine their time management skills. This is done periodically,and the goal is to carry out as many simulations as possible,until the student has built a strong confidence with which they can sit for the exam comfortably.
  5. Fostering a Supportive Learning Environment: Tutors create a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and seeking guidance. And when they ask questions,they are given the best answer to aid their understanding,and retention. 


By adopting effective time management strategies and seeking the support of an experienced IB English tutor in Hong Kong,students can transform their approach to the IB English exam,overcome time constraints,and achieve their academic goals. Remember,effective time management before the exam is not just about cramming information; it’s about organizing your study efforts,prioritizing tasks,and making the most of your time to maximize learning potentials. Whereas,effective time management during the exam,is about utilizing whatever time you are given to cover all sections efficiently. 

For more information: ib english tutor hong kong

Make Your Palate Wake Up With Savory Cooking Tips

You’ve probably cooked countless meals in your lifetime. Did you enjoy it? If not,why not? Cooking can be a great way to de-stress and a fun way to express your creativity. Here are a couple of cooking suggestions to stimulate enjoyment so that whenever you step in the kitchen,you’ve got something brand-new to attempt.

Here is a cooking pointer that will make your life easier on nights and weekends. When cooking,save any sauces leftover from cooking by pouring them into ice cube trays. When you require to utilize the sauce cubes,merely pop them out of the tray and reheat them in a sauce pan for a fast sauce without all of the cook time.

Make certain that when you are making your pasta,not to utilize oil in the water upon cooking. This will lower the risk that the pasta will adhere to the sauce,which can mess up the quality of your meal. When you are cooking pasta for optimum results,prevent oil in water.

If you are cooking a soup or stew and you include excessive salt to the pot you can add a peeled spud to the pot and continue boiling it. The starch in the potato will assist to absorb a lot of the extra salt. You can duplicate with an additional potato if it is still too salty.

Reconcile your baking experiences by leaving eggs and butter out at room temperature the night prior to baking. Then you do not need to go through the frustration of softening the butter to the best consistency. Also,warm eggs blend to a higher volume,which permits the cake to rise evenly.

When you are going to the butcher to get meats or fish,do not be frightened to ask to smell the item prior to acquiring it. In some cases the meat or fish is bad and the butcher isn’t even aware of it,which is why it is very important for you to smell it.

When cooking,make certain that you never ever put anything metal in the microwave,as it will cause sparks from the electro-magnetic energy. Always make certain that the products you are microwaving are safe to put in there. When you are in the kitchen area,this will assist to increase your level of safety.

When cooking your next big pot of spaghetti,add a drop of oil to the boiling water. This will keep the pasta from sticking together and enhance the taste. Your boiling time will remain the exact same and there is no additional work included by utilizing this approach.

Embellish the top of your apple pie. Make decorative cutouts in the top crust of the apple pie before baking. Not just will this produce an appealing looking pie,it permits steam to get away during cooking. This implies the underside of the leading crust will not end up being soaked. For a rope edge,pinch the dough with your fingers,pushing forward in a slanting movement.

When cooking frequently,your equipment is likely to break down,especially if you are operating a commercial kitchen. Here is a great online place to purchase repair parts:


Cooking does not have to be boring and humdrum. Cooking can be much more than mixing ingredients together.

Cabin Cruiser Insurance: Navigating Your Peace of Mind

Cabin cruisers are cherished vessels that offer a unique blend of relaxation and adventure on the water. Whether you’re planning weekend getaways,family vacations,or fishing trips,your cabin cruiser is a valuable asset that deserves proper protection. Cabin cruiser insurance is tailored to safeguard your investment and provide you with peace of mind while you enjoy your time on the water.

Understanding Cabin Cruiser Insurance

Cabin cruiser insurance is a specialized form of marine insurance designed specifically for vessels like cabin cruisers. These policies are crafted to address the distinct needs and risks associated with owning and operating these comfortable and versatile boats.

Key Coverage Areas

Hull Insurance: Similar to other types of boat insurance,hull insurance covers physical damage to your cabin cruiser. Whether it’s damage from collisions,storms,or accidents,this coverage ensures that your vessel can be repaired or replaced.

Liability Insurance: Liability coverage is essential to protect you in case of accidents or injuries involving your cabin cruiser. It covers legal expenses,medical bills,and other costs associated with third-party injuries or property damage.

Theft and Vandalism: Cabin cruisers,often equipped with valuable electronics and equipment,can be attractive targets for theft or vandalism. Insurance can provide coverage in case your boat is stolen or vandalized.

Personal Property: If you keep personal belongings,appliances,or other items on your cabin cruiser,personal property coverage can protect these items from loss or damage.

Emergency Towing and Assistance: Cabin cruiser insurance often includes coverage for emergency towing and assistance,ensuring you can get help quickly in case of mechanical breakdowns or other emergencies while on the water.

Factors Affecting Premiums

Several factors can influence the cost of cabin cruiser insurance premiums:

Vessel Value: The value of your cabin cruiser is a significant factor. More expensive vessels typically have higher premiums.

Boating Experience: Your experience as a boat operator,including any boating safety courses you’ve completed,can impact your premiums.

Navigational Area: Where you plan to use your cabin cruiser can affect costs. Some areas may have higher risks due to weather conditions or congested waters.

Claims History: Your previous claims history with boat insurance can impact your rates.

Security Measures: Installing security measures on your cabin cruiser,such as alarms or tracking devices,may result in premium discounts.

Navigating Your Insurance Needs

Choosing the right cabin cruiser insurance policy requires careful consideration of your boat’s value,how you plan to use it,and the level of coverage you need. Working with an experienced marine insurance provider can help you find the right policy that fits your specific requirements.


Cabin cruiser insurance is an essential investment for boat owners who want to protect their vessels,personal property,and finances while enjoying their time on the water. With the right coverage in place,you can focus on making lasting memories on your cabin cruiser without worrying about unexpected setbacks.

For a comprehensive exploration of this subject,please refer to: Velos Insurance

Why Dogs Get Aggressive

Aggressive dogs can be scary and harm both dogs and people because it can happen without warning. A friendly dog can suddenly turn,acting aggressively by growling,snapping,and lunging at other dogs and people. They could injure or even kill people,including owners and other dogs. 

Owners often do not know why their dogs suddenly display aggression. Dog owners don’t see the warning signs until it is too late. Knowing the probable causes of aggression can help owners deal with it before it escalates. Preventing dangerous behavior is far better than dealing with the outcomes.


A dog always in fear can become aggressive. Dogs may go into freeze,flight,or fight mode in dangerous situations. 

When dogs feel danger,they will try to get away. If they cannot escape,they will either freeze or fight. In most cases,dogs will become aggressive,like a rat in a trap. It will choose physical violence to escape the source of apparent danger. 

Physically abused dogs nearly always become aggressive because of this fight response. This is very common with rescue dogs,many of which are abuse victims. If you don’t know your dog’s history and they act aggressively,this is most likely due to past abuse. 

The best way to manage this is to demonstrate to the dog that they have nothing to fear. Be patient and gentle with them. If they become aggressive in specific situations,remove them from that environment. Ease them back to the same situation. You should also consult a specialist in training abused dogs.

Injury or Illness

Pain is a common reason for aggression in dogs. It is not unexpected,as people in pain commonly become irritable and violent. If your dog unexpectedly shows signs of aggression,it may be owing to pain caused by disease,illness,or injury. 

Check your dog thoroughly for injuries. Suppose your dog seems unusually lethargic or quiet,starts limping,or stops moving entirely. In that case,the dog may be ill or have internal injuries. Check the dog wheelchair if it fit properly,as an ill-fitiing chair may cause discomfort. If you cannot determine the problem,bring your dog directly to your veterinarian. Do not give your dog any medication,such as pain relievers,unless specified by your veterinarian. Giving medication without understanding what is wrong could be disastrous. 


Territorial behavior is innate for some dogs. Known as resource guarding,dogs can become extremely possessive of specific objects or areas such as food,toys,beds,or owners. When someone goes near a dog playing with a toy or eating and becomes aggressive,it is likely due to this instinct. 

You can avoid this situation by respecting the dog’s space. Penalizing or telling off the dog will only confuse it. The dog may even consider it a challenge,making them even more aggressive. It will not always be easy to understand what the dog is guarding,but it will become obvious over time. 


Confinement may be a harness,leash,traveling cage,or fenced area. Dogs unused to confinement may feel frustration and may manifest as aggression.

It is critical to reassure your dog. Try a couple of test runs so they know what to expect. They might behave better when confined if they have freedom most of the time.


You should find out the cause of aggression to handle it better. If you can’t figure it out,consult a professional. Misunderstanding the cause of your dog’s aggression may lead to actions that could make things worse for you,your dog,and everyone around them. 

Have more questions? Click here.